What’s with all these sounds, scribbles, and stories?
When a laugh is cheap, I know I’ve got it good.
We’ll always be the kids we think we used to be.
The means of getting by has become our end goal.
You have nothing when your whole life is ahead of you.
At our peak mastery of life, our bodies can’t take advantage of our earned experience.
We can make experiencing life, our life.
Our delusion disconnects us from reality. And thank god for that.
Everybody wants it; we’re starving for it, but we’re also our own deprivers of it.
Everybody wonders about the meaning of their lives at some point.
There’s art inside all of us waiting to come to life, if we never act on it, we rob the world of ourselves.
The most strong-willed people always have something to look forward to.
Now I want to be old as young as possible.
I can’t imagine what time will do to me.
Art gives us the words to speak when we can't find them.
Life’s meaning comes down to one simple question.
What makes our future selves worthy of present sacrifices?
Life's an obsessive journey of filling gaps.
Aspirations, disappointment, and guilt are my rocket fuel.
I’m always setting the dinner table but never eating.
The biggest transformation in life is understanding it's not about us.
Being human is the ultimate irony.
When leaves fall on your head in Autumn, the tree’s not trying to do you wrong.
What’s it take for you to be filled with joy? What about wonder?
We turn our existence into a dull and joyless daze by running away from life’s problems.
You can’t fit your life into a template, and you shouldn’t live for other people.
It’s a miracle that you exist. Congratulations, you won the ride of a lifetime.
Understanding the finality of everything helps you enjoy life's moments to the max.
A part of life is learning how you will wish you would’ve lived when it’s all said and done.
Regardless of what happens, people regularly return to their baseline of happiness.
With new goals, your top priority should be starting. A perfect plan will never take you anywhere on its own.
The world doesn’t care about you—it only cares about what it can get from you.
Boredom is a signal that it's time to make a change. It's an opportunity to find something new and exciting.
You are the source of your happiness and unhappiness.
If you die with money in your account it means you wasted precious time working.
When you make happiness a destination, you never arrive.
Setting goals isn’t good for getting what you want.
The regrets that bring the deepest sorrow and linger the longest come from not taking action on your aspirations.
We all want motivation on our side to help achieve our goals. But a common misunderstanding of it is probably holding you back.
Everyone wants to be successful, but is it within our control?
The most valuable insight of all is the one we learn at the end of our lives, when it’s far too late.
"You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength."
We often underestimate how much we will change, despite knowing how much we've already changed.
If you always want what others have you'll never have enough.
Your future self will thank you for what you start today.
The bad habit of getting revenge on your busy day by stealing free time from your sleep.
In 2007 the billionaire investor Charlie Munger gave a timeless commencement speech at USC. His insightful life advice in the speech is a perfect response to the question: How do we live a life that really works?
We're all victims of circumstance, so having leeway and flexibility in the pursuit of a goal is important in making sure we don't leave empty-handed.
You're not lazy, bored, or unmotivated. There is a common denominator of these modern struggles.
If you've ever procrastinated, made irrational tradeoffs, or felt impulsive after a long day, you've most likely felt the effects of decision fatigue.
The secret of success isn't hard work. People become successful without working hard and many work hard but don't become successful.
Humans have a natural need for hierarchy. However, this instinct becomes an issue when we compromise our dreams, values, and standards to earn validation from others.
There's a lesson to be learned in each of these timeless insights.
Asking the elderly for advice is like going decades into the future, getting your answer, and coming back.
The timer of life involuntarily ticks, so we need to be intentional with our time.
It's easy to burn out chasing a goal. It's frictionless to reap the benefits of who you are.
We have more control over our motivation than one would think.
We're all victims of dogma, "one day" is a precursor to "what if", and more.
Our comforting lies make positive change a near-impossible task.
Why we're driven away from the things we deem important.
The lens we view the world with shapes our reality.
Overcome your misplaced fears.
Chefs make recipes and cook's follow them. Thinking like a chef is a fulfilling way to live.
With a finite decision-making capacity, we must use as much of it as we can on impactful moments.
We all think of compound interest as a miracle concept for money, but our careers, projects, health, and more can take advantage of it.
Knowledge isn't power, no one is thinking about you, and more.
With every decision we make there's a return that gets added to our portfolio and a return that gets added to our anti-portfolio. Our minimum goal is to have the decisions we make perform better than the ones we could've made.
We live during a time we're not built for. Our mental health is being affected by this mismatched life.
Our lives aren't natural anymore. There's a large gap between how humans evolved and how we live today.
No one knows the purpose of life or what we're supposed to do with it. We just know we all have a natural drive inside us that makes us do the things we do.
Mountains are the huge long-term goals that change your life. These challenges try to prevent you from moving forward and achieving them.
Mountains are the huge long-term goals that change your life. They are not some “thing” you're trying to acquire, rather it's a state you're trying to be in.
Some people make things happen, some people watch things happen, and some wonder about things happening.
Health is like trying to build wealth; your first step should be to stop wasting money.
If what we do every day makes up our lives, we should do the things that matter.
A mindset of not wanting to leave anything on the table in life.