Don't figure out life alone—stand on the shoulders of giants.

The Shoulders of Giants newsletter is built around one question:

Why should we go through the journey of life with just our experiences?

Time is our most valuable resource. So knowledge on living life well is priceless.

It doesn't make sense to ignore the billions of lives before us—we should use them to get ahead.

So this newsletter is for those who want to get the most out of life.

Sound like you? I’m happy to have you here!

Scroll through what the readers say!

"Reading the newsletter is a quick reinforcement of powerful info. It's huge for personal growth and quick to give value. It's the perfect length for people's attention spans. I love the quote and passage sections."
Joban S. @jobanssaran
"This newsletter has changed my life. And I mean that in the most literal way possible; Steady Fella has a way of explaining things that you’re aware of, but aren’t TRULY aware of. If anyone wants to positively impact their life moving forward, I highly recommend you sign up."
Abhi S. @shxlat
“I’m not a big reader, but I always look forward to these. It’s really changed my view on life and improved how I think.”
Nicole @nicolealvares_
"Having Treat in my inbox helps me think about living my life more intentionally and thought out."
Kellan R. @kellanrichards
"Shoulders of Giants is the best self-growth newsletter your inbox can receive. Each writing feels like it was tailored to your situation, and its clear content makes each message easy to apply to one's own life. In addition, the author’s earnest and passionate drive for his subject leads to eye-opening conversations and spreading of ideas."
Damian @damiankosciolek
“Today it takes an elite newsletter to capture the attention of readers through its entirety. Treat’s writing surpasses this and he’s still growing. His insights have not only added refreshing wisdom about life, but have also engaged me to reflect further on the topics he covers. And I’m highly selective in how I allot my attention.”
Isaac F. @isaacjhf
“Hey Treat, I like your attitude and perspective of things. You got some good content. I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy reading your newsletter. It's very well written and resonates with me a lot. This is the first time I ever shared a newsletter with friends, I guess that’s something you can be proud of considering I read quite a few regularly. You’re honestly one of my favorite subscriptions. Keep killing it, looking forward to seeing more from you and following your journey.”
Anonymous Reader
“This piece made me tear up, lol. My boyfriend is laying next to me. It's a normal morning and it may seem like an unimportant moment, but I am with someone I love, I am safe in a warm bed, and I have a whole new day ahead of me. It's something to appreciate. I try to remember this anyway but reading things like this help it sink in. Thank you for your newsletter.”
Anonymous Reader
"I love your newsletter! I love the message, the writing, and how bite sized it is. Your words always linger with me long after I read them”
Anonymous Reader
“Always impressed by your writing, look forward to you trendsetting and setting the bar for self-development content.”
Anonymous Reader
“Okay this was genuinely beautiful, can't thank you enough for posting this.”
Anonymous Reader
“I love this man it hits to the core. Cherish every moment and experience 😇 the nature and beauty of life!! 💜”
Anonymous Reader
“I found this very uplifting to read and you have a lovely turn of phrase. Thanks for sharing it with us.”
Anonymous Reader
“This was a great reminder on a Friday to remember this powerful concept 🧡 sometimes this comes to my mind and I am tickled with joy. For someone who doesn't feel that often, its invigorating to meditate on”
Anonymous Reader
“You're only 22??? Seriously, you are one hell of a person. Thank you for getting this message out to everyone, I wish that you had been around to do so when I was younger. I'm almost 3 times older than you are and, wow, the regret that I carry around is huge. The missed opportunities weigh on me. But I can't change the past, so at this point I just try to live my best life in the present.”
Anonymous Reader
“This is deeply disturbing, but in the best way possible. It's an absolute mindfuck to even makes sense of something like this. It's just kinda sad that we dont stop for a moment to think how insane it is that we're even alive in the first place.”
Anonymous Reader
“Tremendous post. Elite level post. It makes me see that nothing in existence is random. Everything has its due purpose. Life and death alike”
Anonymous Reader
“You are very wise for one so young! I think keeping the knowledge that death will happen to all of us at the back of my mind gives an added piquancy to ordinary moments and makes everyday special. Thank you for your wonderful post!”
Anonymous Reader
“Loving these posts Treat, new subscriber here. Cheers!”
Anonymous Reader
“This is what I call a paradigm shift. There are different approaches to discipline but this one fundamentally changed my life.”
Anonymous Reader
“Very well written. My mind will feast on this.”
Anonymous Reader
“Thanks man. I needed this this weekend. Saying goodbye to a lot.”
Anonymous Reader
"Thank you for your post, I'm sure it will be a reminder and/or enlightenment for many.”
Anonymous Reader
“Treat, I really appreciated the content this week. Thank you for putting the time and thought into this!”
Anonymous Reader
How you see the world shapes your life been tryna tell people this! Speaking #truth man I love it”
Anonymous Reader
"This is a great post as I love "food for thought" prompts. I'm in the last third of life (if I live an average age). I want to make it the best and leave the world a better place. Thanks."
Anonymous Reader
“Thank you for this, hit me right in heart today. Needed it too.”
Anonymous Reader
“Thank you so much for sharing this. I was having these exact thoughts today as I’m slowly starting to pack up and move out of my apartment. You’re right, we need to cherish every moment. Nothing is forever as much as we may want it to be.”
Anonymous Reader
“I love your newsletter! It’s personal, clear, and interesting!.”
Anonymous Reader
“Super impressed by your consistent quality”
Anonymous Reader
“I appreciate what you are doing Treat, wish you all the best.”
Anonymous Reader
“I've been enjoying your newsletters. Quite insightful”
Anonymous Reader
“This is a wise piece! I’m approx. three times older than you and I still forget this obvious wisdom. My advice - be sure to thank all your loved ones & friends for the fun, carefree, meaningful times you’ve shared. You or they could be gone tomorrow.”
Anonymous Reader
“Some interesting and encouraging thoughts here! Since we have won the life lottery like you said, let's do our best to enjoy the ride! :)”
Anonymous Reader
“I find the attitude you exert so refreshing and wholesome”
Anonymous Reader
“I just subscribed to the newsletter man! I love your talk about distractions. Keep it up man!”
Anonymous Reader
“As always, keep up the high quality content”
Anonymous Reader
“Damn this literally sums me up, great quote, thanks.”
Anonymous Reader
“Thank you. I needed to read this today. Was contemplating a job change for something with more prestige, but would require me to move away from family and it was eating at me. I'm staying put to spend time with the people I care about.”
Anonymous Reader
“Just subscribed to your newsletter. Looking forward to reading more of your work!”
Anonymous Redditor
“You have no idea how right you are.”
Anonymous Reader
“Saved, man. Thanks for the take.”
Anonymous Redditor
“So informative! I loved it treat!”
Anonymous Reader
“I needed this today”
Anonymous Reader
“Damn. This really hit me hard.”
Anonymous Reader
“Love this! Every day is a new brush stroke.”
Anonymous Reader
“Amazing post and very true. Thank you.”
Anonymous Reader
“Great read and good sentiments.”
Anonymous Reader
“This is really nice. Thanks!”
Anonymous Reader
“Very encouraging post, love this!”
Anonymous Reader
“Thank you for sharing this. Society desperately needs to talk about death more openly and casually, it's a fact of life. Besides making it easier for the bereaved to discuss their experiences with grief, accepting death unlocks an astonishing level of gratitude for one's life.”
Anonymous Reader
“This is amazing. I am a creative director for a midsized ad agency. One of my favorite creative directors that I ever worked with approached everything with "Childlike Wonder" - and I could see the difference it made."
Anonymous Reader
“Very inspiring. Thanks for this!”
Anonymous Reader
“Thanks for the reminder. We all do need this from time to time.”
Anonymous Reader
"Awesome post 👍🏻 Finding someone that can help push you past your comfort zone makes a world of difference here too. Shout out to my wife for always pushing me further and supporting me”
Anonymous Reader
“I took a bike ride in the rain listening to my favorite song today. This was very inspiring and pretty much summed up my day.”
Anonymous Reader
“Beautifully said.”
Anonymous Reader
“Great post ❤️”
Anonymous Reader
“This is great”
Anonymous Reader
“Wow! I seriously think this everyday.”
Anonymous Reader
“Take my silver 🥰”
Anonymous Redditor
“Thanks for sharing, there are many good points in it!”
Anonymous Reader
“Straight up wisdom.”
Anonymous Reader
“Thanks for sharing. The message is really convincing. Be grateful in every moment. It's the cheapest yet invaluable happiness that we can make.”
Anonymous Reader
“This was beautifully written and a good reminder! Its so easy to forget this”
Anonymous Reader
“Love this post and it’s really making me think. In a hard way.”
Anonymous Reader
“Thank you for posting this. Better to repent failure than regret not trying!”
Anonymous Reader
“Very true. I‘ll now let this inspire me to get over the fear of traveling alone."
Anonymous Reader
“Wow! I seriously think this everyday.”
Anonymous Reader
“Thank you for sharing this. Society desperately needs to talk about death more openly and casually. Besides making it easier for the bereaved to discuss their experiences with grief, accepting death unlocks an astonishing level of gratitude for one's life.”
Anonymous Reader
“Failure over regret !!! I love it”
Anonymous Reader
“Thank you for this. Our life is really a gift and we always take it for granted. Have a great day!”
Anonymous Reader
“Nice post there, cheers”
Anonymous Reader
“Amazing post”
Anonymous Reader
“I finally learned this lesson in the last year and it was a hard pill to swallow but it's true. Great post ✌️”
Anonymous Reader
“A few years back while I was in college, I achieved this realization as well. Life is spectacular, this planet is spectacular, and the people we share it with are spectacular. Each day is a gift, and life’s biggest tragedy is that most of us forget to treat it as such. Thanks for the post. Cheers :)”
Anonymous Reader

A quick backstory

I got tired of reading and watching self-improvement content. I couldn't stand how cringey and empty it became. The well intentioned genre lost it's impact.

It just shared witty phrases to get people excited. The information wouldn't lead to change in real life.

I wanted gems of insight that could influence my life. I started finding them in obscure books, old philosophy, and the writings of great lives throughout history. 

These gems were hard to find. Which made me think about the amount of people missing out on ideas that could make a real impact on their life.

That’s why I started this newsletter.

What's inside?

The Shoulders of Giants newsletter explores the minds of history’s greatest thinkers, regardless of how known they are.

Each issue focuses on one idea, supported by amazing passages, with commentary from me to draw connections.

One of my favorites is Meghan Daum's experience with youth being falsely romanticized (you can scroll through that issue below).

I hate bullshit, so I only send these newsletters when I have something worth sharing—typically once a month, and never more than twice.

Scroll through an issue!


Give your inbox something to look forward to and start getting the most out of life!